Git Internal Workshop

About this Workshop

Welcome to our hands-on workshop on Git Internals! This workshop is designed to give you a deep dive into the workings of the .git folder, helping you understand the core concepts of Git, including blobs, trees, commits, and branches. Whether you’re new to Git or an experienced user, this workshop will provide valuable insights into the mechanisms that power Git.

The Goal of this workshop

We are going to create a barebone git repository completely manually from scratch without using any typical git init. Doing this will provide us deeper understanding of how git actually works.

Working Through the Workshop

Let’s Get Ready!

We are excited to have you here and can’t wait to explore the intricacies of Git with you.

For this workshop you are going to need to have a git installed! I will recommend everyone to use terminal (OSX/unix) or Git Bash (windows).

Setup Your Git enviroment

It is recommended to have tree installed in terminal for Mac and Linux users. For Windows users please take a look at this to add tree to git-bash:

Windows: add tree to git bash

Let’s Get Started!

When your setup is verified and ready, lets go to the first section: Create .git.